Sunday, July 24, 2011


I am sitting next to my tent on a chair I bought from my favorite store , REI, wondering if my cell phone will ever connect long enough to a network so I can even post this. 

I can now speak from experience on the following topic.  A tornado warning siren in Glenwood Iowa sounds exactly like a tornado warning siren in Blaine, MN.  I can also offer my observation that the people participating in RAGBRAI act pretty much the same as people in the twin cities do when the threat of a tornado is upon them.  Just sort of go about your business and ignore the warning.

The heat index as I was setting up camp today was incredibly miserable. I cannot recall feeling anything like it in the near past.

I am camped with the rest of Team LIVESTRONG at the local area high school. There are hundreds of tents set up and people are everywhere.

I have very little time in on this adventure and I can already see there will be many stories to tell.

Heading to bed now.  Lots of hills to climb in the morning.

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