Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bill Glazier

I won’t get my Christmas card from Bill Glazier this year.  I didn’t realize how much I would miss my Christmas card from Bill.  I realize it now and now it is too late.  You see, Bill Glazier died this year.
I wish I had the honor and the privilege to say Bill was my friend. The truth is, I never did my part to assure my relationship with Bill became a friendship. I made a big mistake. I think Bill was open to becoming friends with everyone he met.  I think he was that kind of person.  I wasn’t paying attention and now it is too late.
I am grateful that I had the opportunity to meet him in person.  He was the type of person you enjoyed meeting.  He had a very boisterous voice that was warm and engaging.  “Hello Steve!” “How are you Steve?”  I am certain that is how every phone call Bill and I had started.  I can hear him now.
I, to my regret, too often treated Bill like a task.  Most of the time, when Bill was contacting me, he needed assistance with his computer.  Most of the time, it was difficult to fit this in.  Shame on me. I should have always made time for Bill.  Bill Glazier is likely one of the most remarkable people I didn’t take the opportunity to really know.
Someone I respect dearly said the following of Bill Glazier:  “Bill was the most optimistic and friendly guy that I have ever had the privilege to meet or work with and he will be missed dearly.  I can still recall arriving early in the morning to the CCG suite at Insight last year to find Bill with his usual welcoming smile and happy demeanor adding to the upbeat Motown tunes from his iPod to fill the suite with positive energy.   He was one of a kind.“
Merry Christmas Bill Glazier!  I am so thankful I knew you and I wish I had taken the time to know you better.  I will miss my Christmas card for a long time.  I miss you.
Do you know what I want for Christmas?  I want to receive a call from Bill Glazier and I want to work on his computer just one more time.  I will tell him how much I enjoy him.