Monday, April 30, 2012

"20From101" Fundraising For Cancer Campaign

In November of 2010, my Mom, Judy Thayer, was diagnosed with stage 4 lung Cancer.  Since then my Mom has exemplified remarkable strength as she has taken a stand against the Cancer that has invaded her life.  Cancer is without a doubt no picnic but Mom has leaped the hurdles that Cancer has presented and continues to fight a good fight.  She inspires us all.

Mom’s diagnosis has influenced me to take action and do what I have the power to do to make a difference for people who are affected by Cancer.  Each day I find myself even more motivated to roll my sleeves up and lend a hand so for the second year I am going to join Team LIVESTRONG and ride RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa).

LIVESTRONG seeks to inspire and empower people affected by Cancer, and with Team LIVESTRONG I'm picking a fight with Cancer and uniting with others who are interested in making Cancer a global priority.  From July 22nd to July 28th I'm going to ride RAGBRAI which is a 470 mile bicycle ride across Iowa.  In concert with this, as part of Team LIVESTRONG, I'm hoping to raise a minimum of $2020 for the fight against Cancer. With your help and support, I know I can accomplish both.

From the day I started fund raising and training last year, all the way through crossing the finish line in formation with the other riders of Team LIVESTRONG I was constantly exposed to inspiring Cancer Survivors.  Regularly, I heard compelling stories which deeply influenced me.  I truly felt like I was part of something remarkable and that I found a way to make a difference.  I was proud to be involved and I was ever so grateful for the people who chose to donate to the LIVESTRONG cause.

One thing I have realized since Mom’s diagnosis that I really never thought of before is that Cancer has affected just about everyone around me.  A person has either had Cancer, is fighting Cancer or has a loved one who has been afflicted with Cancer.  This disease is truly everywhere and affects us all.  The statistics are staggering.  I could write pages on this alone.

The “long arm” of Cancer has inspired me to keep fighting and it is what causes many of you to choose to donate to organizations such as LIVESTRONG.  Many people made their donation last year with one or more loved ones in mind and I rode every mile with them on my mind.

For everyone who donates, whether I have had the privilege to meet you or not, please let me know if you are making your donation in the name of someone who has or has had Cancer.  I will be making a shirt with the first name and last initial of everyone my donators have known who have or are battling Cancer.  I will ride RAGBRAI with pride when I wear a shirt that commemorates these heroes.  As an added incentive, the 3 highest donators will receive a copy of the shirt.

This brings me to my 2012 fundraising campaign I am calling “20from101”.  My fundraising goal last year was $1500 and due the generosity of almost 50 people we raised $2020.  This year I want to meet last years mark of $2020 and I would like to accomplish this by collecting $20 from 101 people.  Will you join me?

I've established a personal website,, where you can learn more about my participation and contribute to the cause. Remember, every dollar counts. If you are not comfortable with a $20 donation, please consider another amount.  If you feel inclined to donate more, please do.  Can I suggest $20 for each adult in your household and $5 per child?  One issue I am faced with regarding my 20from101 campaign this year is that I do not know 101 people! If you are so inclined, please forward my campaign letter to someone you know who might be willing to donate $20 to fighting Cancer.

In any event, I guarantee the money will be very well spent.  Your donation to LIVESTRONG will help support the many programs they fund such as the LIVESTRONG Guidebooks, LIVESTRONG at the YMCA, Fertile Hope and a host of other programs that focus on Cancer survivorship.  LIVESTRONG provides vital support that guides people through the Cancer experience, bringing them together to fight Cancer and work for a world in which the fight is no longer necessary.  You can find out more about LIVESTRONG at

Once again I'm riding to stand up for the 28 million people living with Cancer worldwide and also for the very important memory of the many millions more that have succumbed to this terrible disease.  I'd like to thank you in advance for considering a donation.

Thank you and as you face this sometimes challenging thing called life, remember to LIVE STRONG!