Thursday, July 28, 2011


If one was to choose MUSIC AT RAGBRAI as a research paper theme they need only ride RAGBRAI once to find enough data to fill their pages.

I think the only thing I have not seen is a turn table duct taped to a bike rack with 77 rpm vinyl on tow in a little red wagon. But, I am certain I have not seen that because the person doing that leaves earlier than I do.

The other thing I have noticed is that the people who are hauling their homemade music playing contraption are under the impression that everyone in a half mile radius want to listen too because that is how loud it is playing.

Now, considering I have been subjected to this behavior for five days I believe I can safely assume the average age of RAGBRAI riders who bring their own music in tow are approximately my age as most of what has been blaring out loud has been 1970's and 1980's classic rock. I sometimes feel like the KQ92 van is following me around Iowa.

One time I heard a mixture of blaring loud rock,  blaring loud country, and blaring loud rap at the same time.  I had to pull my bike over and slap myself several times to realign my brain.

Another important part of the RAGBRAI Music topic is the effort put forth by the local towns but I will save that topic for later as I am typing this on a DROID and it kind of stinks.

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